A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address.
I, the undersigned, agree to keep confidential the training methods, skills, and knowledge that I am about to learn. I will use them solely for personal growth and skills development. I acknowledge that I cannot use these skills and methods to develop training courses for financial gain, as they are the intellectual property of SFC Defence Academy. Additionally, I agree not to use the knowledge that I gain to assist any other groups, including political, religious, or any other grouping not mentioned, to start offensive actions or assist in criminal activity. I may only use these methods and training to aid my immediate family. I will contact Nico van der Merwe for further assistance if I am unsure about any aspect. Finally, I confirm that I will not take photos, videos, or make any audio recordings before, during or after the course at any time.
I fully comprehend the terms and conditions of this agreement and I am committed to adhering to them. By creating an account, I affirm my acceptance of the site Terms & Conditions.