“If you never get lost, there’s a chance that you may never be found.”
I, the student, agree to keep confidential the training methods, skills, and knowledge that I am about to learn. I will use them solely for personal growth and skills development. I acknowledge that I cannot use these skills and methods to develop training courses for financial gain, as they are the intellectual property of SFC Defence Academy. Additionally, I agree not to use the knowledge that I gain to assist any other groups, including political, religious, or any other grouping not mentioned, to start offensive actions or assist in criminal activity. I may only use these methods and training to aid my immediate family. I will contact Nico van der Merwe for further assistance if I am unsure about any aspect. Finally, I confirm that I will not take photos, videos, or make any audio recordings before, during or after the course at any time
I fully comprehend the terms and conditions of this agreement and I am committed to adhering to them. By creating an account, I affirm my acceptance of the site Terms & Conditions.
- You’ll need a 1:50 000 topographical map, compass, protractor, and stationery to finish the tasks and assessment. Please know that your input will influence your progress.
- The outcome is determined by how you choose to complete the tasks. With this flexibility, you have the power to display your unique abilities and creativity. You will be required to provide proof of task completion and the result. You can expect a thorough explanation of the method.
- Certification for the Basic Navigation course will be done at the end of the training with an online evaluation.
- Please follow the steps and complete each task. This structured approach will guide you through the course, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
Online Training Guideline
To qualify for a certificate, please follow these steps:
- Complete Each Lesson: Once you’ve fully understood a lesson, click the “MARK AS COMPLETE” button at the bottom of each page. This helps us track your progress. You must mark all pages as complete to be eligible for a certificate.
- Complete and Document Tasks: Most courses include tasks for you to complete. After finishing each task, take a photo as proof. At the end of the course, you’ll need to upload all task photos. These will be reviewed by our instructors, and if accepted, you’ll receive a grade for each task. We’ll send feedback via email.
- Complete the Quiz: Some courses include a quiz to check your understanding. As you answer each question, the system will show if your answer is correct.
To receive a certificate, all lessons must be completed, all tasks approved, and a quiz score of 80% or higher must be achieved. You’ll be notified when you qualify, and you can then download your certificate from your Student Portal.
The progress bar at the top of the course will ONLY SHOW 100% COMPLETE once our instructors has approved your course.
Below each lesson is a black “Take Notes” button. This feature provides you with the ability to make notes for yourself related to what you are leaning. You can view & download all tour notes from the Student Portal.